Tag Archives Cyril Brun

Cyril Brun

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Interview | „Cyril Brun“ | Road Book #BerlintoLisbon

We are all in Hand of Mother Nature

(Cyril Brun | Charles Heidsieck Champagne)

What about Covid?

.. Climate Changing?

… the Future?

Introduction | #Interview

In the international wine industry, I no longer have to introduce the French-Star winemaker and Oenologist „Cyril Brun“. Monsieur Brun was born in „Áy“, just a few steps north of Reims. „Áy“ is considered as the „champagne heart centre“. Also known as the oldest region of origin of champagne culture.

I joined spontaneously the invitation to meet „Cyril Brun“ as a part of my Road Tour from #BerlintoLisbon“. What a great honour to talk to the French-Winemaker in the highest responsibility position in operation of the champagne production for the international Luxury Brand „Charles Heidsieck“. One of my favourite Champagne Brands at all.

The chief cellar master and oenologist „Cyril Brun“, who stands for the champagne brand „Charles Heidsieck“ like no other, welcomes me in Reims – France, exactly in the high summer period of the corona pandemic 2021. Shortly before the harvest for the 2020 vintage starts, I accept the brilliant invitation from Joh. Egger Sohn GmbH from Bremen-Germany for the private tasting and exclusive sightseen-tour for the „Crayers“ in the winery basement. Thank you at this point, for the cooperation and spontaneous collaboration with the „cherry and kindfull“ Egger Sohn Team from the beautiful Hanseatic city of Bremen who made this Event possible.

Exclusive Interview | Cyril Brun | Charles Heidsieck Champagne

Cyril Brun has successfully worked for many years with major brand in the industry. He started working for „Charles Heidsieck“ brand in 2015. Some associates a personal handwriting style as self-realization behind the taste of the „Chef du Cave“ Cyril Brun Champagne. Not even in the quality and sustainability aspects. We are talking about real and authentic passion for champagne.

This is perhaps the most autochthonous „Man of Champagne“ origins in human life-form. The man whose bubbles we all love so much.

Feel welcome to join my short Interview with the one and only: Cyril Brun

Cyril Brun Interview
Basement | Degustation-Room | #Crayers

The Champagner-Talk | | Reims | #BerlintoLisbon

Corona Pandemic came totally unexpected

(Cyril Brun | Charles Heidsieck Champagne)

Weinpilot: „Thank you for invitation and Hello, nice to meet you Monsieur Brun. How did You managed the Corona Virus and Pandemic Time in the last two years?“

Cyril Brun: „Corona Pandemic came totally unexpected, we had to learn to communicate with new tools of communication and keep attention to our loyal customer. And we spend time in searching for new customer fields.“

„We are all in Hand of mother nature.

(Cyril Brun | Charles Heidsieck Champagne)

Weinpilot: „How big was the Influence and affection of Corona-Pandemic for the wine vintage 2020/ 2021 and in the vineyard?“

Cyril Brun: „It was difficult to organize the Harvest in the field, because we have to make sure that the workers have enough distance for workspace to each other, because of the Pandemic-Rules. Beside of that the harvest was pretty regular.“

Weinpilot: „In reflection to this special vintage 2021, with rain, storm, cold, wet, frost and Russian-Embargo „How did you managed this Roller-Coaster of emotions?“

Cyril Brun: „We are all in Hand of mother nature. In 2018, 2019 and 2020 Climate was pretty generous. 2021 was a special year with a lot of weather disturbances, we will find out more in a couple of months. But in the end it will be a very challenging vintage.“

Cyril Brun Interview
Cyril Brun | Interview | „We all in Hand of mother nature“

Weinpilot: „We all are already moving in a changing Climate process. How, and are you well enough prepared for this Event?“

Cyril Brun: „Changing Climate is a big challenge for the future. We need to learn and to adopt the extreme changing weather process with strong and long rain episodes and dry periods. We need to make more foresights in precess the Viticulture.“

Weinpilot: „How could a foresights of Viticulture look like? Will the wine fashion effect the future wine and how does a future wine look and taste like?“

Cyril Brun: „I think and hope the fashion will not be influencing too much our wines, because we are trusting our consumer feedback. We are in constant exchange with our customers, therefore we feel rather confirmed in our work so far. We have no ambitions to change dramatically our wine style or profile. That’s our identity. You like it or you don’t.“

When you create a wine, it is important to look back

Cyril Brun

Weinpilot: „What is your vision to create a wine?“

Cyril Brun: „When you create a wine, it is important to look back. What have you done in the past. Because it is the key indicator for editing in your future work. Also in perspective of following generations.“

Weinpilot: „When did you start working for Charles Heidsieck?“

Cyril Brun: „I joined Charles Heidsieck in 2015. But when I was a student in my age of twenty, I applied already, and send a resume to the Charles Heidsieck Winery. In that time they did not involved me, but a couple of years late they called me to offer a job as Celler Master.“

Weinpilot: „How important is for you the oak influence in the wine?“

Cyril Brun: „It should bring the extra layer of complexity, extra layer of flesh maturity texture but should not overcome the rest of the style.“

What will be the future challenge?

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Interview | Cyril Brun |
The Fantastic Collection of Charles Heidsieck Champagne

Weinpilot: „What will be the future challenge for the Wine industry?“

Cyril Brun: „We have to make sure that the next generation will have at least the same passion and enthusiasm for wine. It is our job to show the World the beauty side of Wine.“

Weinpilot: „What is your final Interview-Massage called?“

Cyril Brun: „When you love a wine, you should show it to as much as people you can. Because, this is the source of Emotion that counts!“

Thank you very much for inviting me to this spontaneous interview.

Another article on my visit to Charles Heidsieck in Reims will follow with the tasting notes and the visit to the historic „Crayers“ wine cellar.

Stay tune!

Interview | Cyril Brun | Reims-Champagne – Batin Mumcu for www.berlinerweinpilot.de

Road-Tour #BerlintoLisbon | Book Promotion

*The video interview in full length and with German and English subtitles, can be found on YouTube page Berliner Weinpilot.

Link: https://youtu.be/ultgaXPWKis

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